Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Maine Skirt Kyoun Pehena....!

News channels should raise the standards of their content and people should think bigger.

Should these channels be spending timeslot of 1 hour for an article that has no relevance to anybody (except for some of the people who thinks they caretaker of some religion)

Should Katrina really be victimized for wearing a skirt (which was quite "long" enough) at a religious place, which I am sure she wasn't aware of it and by the way the outfit wasn’t that offensive either which was made out to be.

I guess we have more essential things to deliberate upon rather than to see this article coming on air again and on again in every news channel.

And with no fault of hers, these "responsible people", should have asked her to change her dress as she entered the religious place, which they didn’t bother to do. Those caretakers should have informed her about the rules they follow.

I have also heard that these group have considered legal action against Katrina (Oh God, We have many more issues, involving many others crimes committed by others to take care of, rather than fight a case with an insignificant issue of why Katrina sported a skirt) and have also said that the she has hurt the feelings of many followers of the religion.

Come-On people…grow up and let people live, don’t try to create an issue out of nothing.



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