From Hibernation...
Was all excited to move to one of the largest and most sophisticated workplace in the country…..? Naah…Atleast not me, don’t really know about the others.
A few days back I had the leisure of traveling on my own and on my own terms, but for the past few days I have been made to wake up quite early just to catch the bus which would take me to my work place to earn my bread. Know what, it’s a real pain…but got no other choice….as of now.
My new office is at Siruseri and its located at a distance of 30 kms from my home and it takes round about 1 hr 10 mins to reach it in the morning and it takes about 10-20 minutes more in the evening...reason being the roads are pretty bad in shape. I really don’t understand what our TN government is doing for past few years. I believe the politicians have never been to this part of the city and have been accustomed to travel on the really excellent roads near the Beach Road. It would be pleasant experience for them if they have their office’s shifted to this part of the city.
The road which leads to my office is a stretch of 20 kms, which has numerous top IT companies of India, but still the roads are pathetic. The companies could aswell spend a few penny and resurrect these pitiable roads for the wellbeing of there employee’s.
My new work place is a beautifully architected place, no complaints on that but it would have been just perfect for us employees had the roads been a bit better…..”Is any body listening?”
If you want me to explain the ride it’s like the driver has to maneuver his way between the pot-holes and if they succeed on that there are abundance of Cows and Buffalo standing on the middle of the road scattered in such a way the drivers are given a real hard time. These drivers could have a real good career had they been into F1 or any other motor sport.
To add to misery, had a salary cut as the company did not achieve its target in Q3 but we still recruit thousands without work and see them have fun….pathetic policies. It definitely hurts when we have workers slogging day in-day out to deliver and at the end of the month we get a letter saying some crap.I was amazed to see that there was no opposition .
A few days back I had the leisure of traveling on my own and on my own terms, but for the past few days I have been made to wake up quite early just to catch the bus which would take me to my work place to earn my bread. Know what, it’s a real pain…but got no other choice….as of now.
My new office is at Siruseri and its located at a distance of 30 kms from my home and it takes round about 1 hr 10 mins to reach it in the morning and it takes about 10-20 minutes more in the evening...reason being the roads are pretty bad in shape. I really don’t understand what our TN government is doing for past few years. I believe the politicians have never been to this part of the city and have been accustomed to travel on the really excellent roads near the Beach Road. It would be pleasant experience for them if they have their office’s shifted to this part of the city.
The road which leads to my office is a stretch of 20 kms, which has numerous top IT companies of India, but still the roads are pathetic. The companies could aswell spend a few penny and resurrect these pitiable roads for the wellbeing of there employee’s.
My new work place is a beautifully architected place, no complaints on that but it would have been just perfect for us employees had the roads been a bit better…..”Is any body listening?”
If you want me to explain the ride it’s like the driver has to maneuver his way between the pot-holes and if they succeed on that there are abundance of Cows and Buffalo standing on the middle of the road scattered in such a way the drivers are given a real hard time. These drivers could have a real good career had they been into F1 or any other motor sport.
To add to misery, had a salary cut as the company did not achieve its target in Q3 but we still recruit thousands without work and see them have fun….pathetic policies. It definitely hurts when we have workers slogging day in-day out to deliver and at the end of the month we get a letter saying some crap.I was amazed to see that there was no opposition .
Wake up guys.......